
on Tuesday, 04 March 2014. Posted in Pastor Wright

March Missions Month - We have the official beginning of our Missions Emphasis Month. Each week in March we have a missionary joining us for our Sunday Services. On each Sunday, except one, our missionary guest will teach a combined Sunday School Class and preach in the 6:00 PM service.

Most of the weeks I will still preach in the morning services, but I want you to think and pray about your involvement in missions. I often put the phrase on our Wednesday night screen, "Missions is the Mission of the Church."

We are using a very broad definition of "missions" when we say that, but the intent is to remind each of us that we are responsible for outreach. We can reach those within our sphere, but what about those beyond our narrow circle? For those we either have to give or go. In reality, we are giving so that someone else can go.

As we come to the end of the month, I trust you will be more and more a part of the missions program through praying, giving, and going. On Sunday, March 23 Gene Burge will be our guest. We are having a missions banquet and afternoon service where we will count our pledges for the faith promise. I look forward to you being involved.

Activity Building - Things are moving along nicely for our activity building. I don't like pushing two things at the same time, but it is the way the Lord has worked it out. Lord willing, we are still on track to begin in April. The weather and finalizing a few other things will determine the actual start date, but we are excited about it. We will continue to give you updates in the services.

Don't forget to mark your calendar! The Mid-Week Service next week is on TUESDAY rather than Wednesday